Religions and Denominations in the (Polish) Crown in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 10:23, 19 May 2024

Szady cover.jpg

Link to the app

The application "Religions and Denominations in the (Polish) Crown in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century" is based mainly on sources and studies providing systematic information on the structures and distribution of temples and places of worship. It covers a total of 15,253 religious buildings, including 8311 Uniate, 5720 Latin, 841 Jewish, 276 Lutheran, 35 Orthodox, 22 Catholic of Armenian rite, 19 Mennonite, 14 Calvinist, 10 Czech Brethren, 3 Karaite, and 2 Islamic ones.

The information presented in the application and in the downloadable files has been grouped into 2 sections: 1) temples and places of worship, 2) borders. The entire resource has been provided with appropriate metadata and a list of abbreviations. From the application page you can also download the book by B. Szady, Geografia struktur religijnych i wyznaniowych w Koronie w II połowie XVIII w. /Geography of Religious and Confessional Structures in the (Polish) Crown in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century/, Lublin 2010.

Metadata and data to download

Sacral objects

  • WFS Service:

  • GeoJSON:

  • GeoPackage:

  • KML:

  • XLSX:

Date: 2020
Last update (day): 23 March 2022
Creator: Institute for the Historical Geography of the Church in Poland KUL
Language: pl
Character set: UTF-8
License: CC BY-NC
Reference system: EPSG 3857
BBOX: 1696775.72,6001119.15,3685543.70,7320440.73
Topology: point
ob_id unique identifier, object id
pl_name main name of a place (a locality)
pl_name_de name of a place (german), especially in western and northern zones
pl_name_v name of a place (variants)
pl_type type of a settlement unit [miasto (pl), town, city (en); wieś (pl), village (en)]
material type of building material (see list of abbreviations)
patronage type of patronage (see list of abbreviations)
title title of a church, name of a church (see list of abbreviations)
denom denominational belonging of a place of worship
source source documentation (see list of abbreviations)
pal_name name of palatinate/voivodeship (see list of abbreviations)
deanery name of a deanery/protopopy(governorship)
adeaconry name of a archdeaconry (provostship, deaconry)/officialate
diocese name of a diocese/eparchy
metropoly name of a metropolitan province
type type of a of a place of worship [świątynia główna (pl), main church - parish church (en); świątynia pomocnicza (pl), auxiliary church - filial church or public chapel (en)]
parish parochial affiliation of a auxiliary church
kind kind of a church (see list of abbreviations)
name name of a an order
ObjectId serial number


  • WFS Service:

  • GeoJSON:

  • GeoPackage:

  • KML:

  • XLSX:

Date: 2020
Last update (day): 23 March 2022
Creator: Institute for the Historical Geography of the Church in Poland KUL
Language: pl
Character set: UTF-8
License: CC BY-NC
Reference system: EPSG 3857
BBOX: 1685719.62,5992125.00,3712146.50,7337003.50
Topology: polygon
id unique identifier
cat_dioces name of Latin dioceses
cat_adeaco name of the Latin archdeaconry
cat_deaner name of Latin deaneries
uni_dioces the name of the Uniate dioceses
uni_adeaco the name of the Uniate archdeaconries
uni_deaner name of Uniate deaneries
palat_name name of palatinate/voivodeship
comment remarks and comments
ObjectId serial number