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List of useful digital and spatial history applications

Title Short description Creator Link
Atlas of the Latin Church in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Eighteenth Century Latin churches, monasteries, convents, ecclesiastical and secular boundaries (more...). Institute for the Historical Geography of the Church in Poland
Religions and Denominations in the (Polish) Crown in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century Christian churches: Catholic (Greek, Latin and Armenian rites), Orthodox, Protestant (Lutheran, Calvinist, Czech Brethren and Mennonite), Jewish synagogues, Karaite kenesas, Muslim mosques. Boundaries of palatinates and Catholic church administration (Latin and Uniate) around 1772 (more...). Institute for the Historical Geography of the Church in Poland
Territorial structure of the Latin Church before World War II Roman Catholic churches and ecclesiastical boundaries (metropolises, dioceses, deaneries) circa 1938. (more...). Institute for the Historical Geography of the Church in Poland
DataAtlasFontium: a repository of historical data A historical data repository based on GeoNode technology: a web-based platform that allows for the gathering and sharing of spatial data and its metadata, as well as simple visualizations (more...). Department of Historical Atlas, he Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History Polish Academy of Sciences
Maps of the Past The "Maps of the Past" app presents calibrated old maps, including topographic maps of the Military Geographical Institute from the interwar period, 19th century Prussian and German maps, or old city plans. Plans are underway to add other cartographic editions to the service and application (more...). Department of Historical Atlas, he Tadeusz Manteuffel Institute of History Polish Academy of Sciences
World Historical Gazetteer The World Historical Gazetteer (WHG) contains data and services that enable historians to conduct spatial and temporal analysis and visualization, for example, it allows for the reconciliation of geographic-historical data (more...). World History Center, Department of History, University of Pittsburgh The application allows searching for and comparing information from several historical databases of localities in present-day Germany and Poland. It supports the identification and aggregation of locations included in different data sets (more...). Herder Institute; Institute for Regional Geography; Justus Liebig University Giessen
The Historic Gazetteer The application was originally created to identify localities in genealogical and historical research. It contains structures and locations, the history of their affiliation with state and church administrative units and the information on resources (more...). Verein für Computergenealogie e.V. (CompGen)
Religious Heritage of Lesser Poland The portal contains studies of selected works of art from the Kraków diocese, popular-scientific studies of the history of selected localities and parishes, as well as scans of selected archival materials from the Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Kraków, the Archive and Library of the Kraków Cathedral Chapter, and the Archive of the Lviv Archdiocese (formerly the Archive of Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak). The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow

Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Kraków

Archive and Library of the Kraków Cathedral Chapter

Archive of Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak
Digital Archive of Krakow Archdiocese The portal contains scans of selected archival collections from the Archives of the Lviv Archdiocese (formerly the Archives of Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak), the Archives of the Metropolitan Curia in Kraków, and parish archives from the Bielsko-Żywiec diocese.

The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow

Archive of the Metropolitan Curia in Kraków

Archive of Archbishop Eugeniusz Baziak

Library and archive of Bielsko-Żywiec dioecese